Flying West across time zones inevitably leads to this; lying awake at 6:30 in the morning waiting for the world to wake up.
I was alarmed to find out that my flight was delayed and that I would miss my connecting flight in Houston. But I never could have dreamed it would turn out so well! I never felt airline loyalty before, but Continental not only served meals, but they found me a flight on another airline that was non-stop and got me to San Diego at 8:30 intead of 10! Rheanna picked me up in my very own car that formerly smelled of zoo animal, but under her care took on the smell of a Provencal lavender field.
It is very beautiful here. As the plane landed I could see mountains peering through mist, and the San Diego bay, and the Coronado Bridge that looked like a string of Christmas lights from so far away. Luckily it is a gray, June-gloom day and I will try not to get emotionally involved before I leave again tomorrow. Today I'll get an oil change and a car wash, maybe get them to check out the tires. I'll get a haircut from Sarah at SuperCuts, who always does exactly what I wanted. I'll say my farewell to the grocery store and stock up on road snacks. I'll go to the beach one last time and let the waves play with my feet and watch the pelicans soar and dive.
Home felt like I had never left, in good ways and in anti-climactic ways, and it feels right to be going there now. To all my Midwestern relatives that I have neglected these past few months, I am taking the southern route home, so I will miss out on your warmth and hospitality. I look forward to coming back to this place; I have made it mine this year and it joins the list of places that I consider a home, even if they are not so at the present time.