Friday, January 20, 2006

New Horizons

Since I moved into my new apartment a week ago, my brain has been bursting with entertaining anecdotes about small spaces, antique plumbing and the construction worker alarm clock. Alas, I am still on the trail of my very own computer and only able to blog when intruding on my sister, as I am now. However, more than one friend seems to have a paternal unit with an old machine looking for a new home and hopefully something will come through very soon and the apartment chronicles will begin to flow.
You see, I have also quit TV cold turkey, so I have plenty of time for brilliant ideas to be born and evolve in my newly liberated mind. For years I have thought that I would really be a more interesting and productive person if I didn't waste so much time in front of the tube. With the move and the considerable reduction in available space for electronics of questionable value, it seemed the perfect time to detox.
As I eagerly await the days of unfettered blogging, I have been filling my free hours with pursuits such as teaching myself to play the guitar (I can play an extremely simplified version of Always by Jewel up to the bridge), scrubbing ancient filth from the faux-marble paneling in my home (delightful!), doing my dishes and for that matter feeding myself real meals that use dishes, or writing down and illuminating inspirational quotes to post on my refrigerator (ok I only did this once, but it brought me a great deal of joy!).
And tomorrow is Saturday so the first thing I hear won't be someone yelling "Fire in the hole!" just yards away from my pillowed head. What does that mean anyway?

Saturday, January 07, 2006

work and PLAY!

One of the reasons I am a teacher is that I occasionally need a week or two off from work and in the summer, say...3 months. It may sound lazy, but frankly my personal clock is set to the rhythm of the academic year and will not budge.
I am currently digging in my heels as time brings me screeching toward the end of one such break. Faced with days that are mine to fill as I like, I have been gobbling up all the things that I'd rather do than go to work. In the past two weeks I have been to Colorado to visit a dear friend, lost my luggage, had it returned to me, gone outlet shopping (most exciting purchase: a cast iron frying pan), had a fabulous lamb dinner at my sister's, attended an illegal New Year's bonfire, been to a slew of movies including my first ever sneaky-deak (two movies - one ticket); the employees of the Oaks multi-movie palace now recognize me and welcome me back! I've seen a community play, heard an epic story told and read an epic poem aloud, played board games, ate and drank with friends, tonight my housemates and I are planning a rotisserie chicken dinner, followed by contra dancing, followed by a possible Phantom of the Opera sing-along. And I haven't had a chance to go bowling or learn to tap dance!
This is why I can't understand how people put up with 40-hour week after 40-hour week of work with a meager two days in between to call their own. Basically all you can do in two days is clean your house and pick up your dry-cleaning and maybe squeeze in some friends for dinner. My hat is off to you if you can manage such a lifestyle, but until I can come up with a better plan I will take the downsides of educating America's youth in exchange for a chance at movie marathons and all-day bowling!