Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Visit from SoCal

I also can't believe I didn't post about the fantastic concert by the incomparable Jason Mraz and his ass-kicking musical compadres. I had the time of my life (Mom and Shay could have stood for a little less ass-kicking and some comfy seats up in the balcony)! The music was fabulous, I laughed uproariously, danced up a storm, and Jason left the stage urging us to find something we love and practice it, to practice kindness, and to practice gratitude. The evening was a snapshot of life's perfection!

The Beehive II

I can't believe how long its been since I was posting regularly. I can't believe I have not yet raved about my absolutely perfect new home. I told Jame the other day that if I won the lottery and could own any house in the world, I would not want to move. That's how perfect it is. I am sung to sleep by the creek every night. When I wake up in the morning there are branches bursting forth their spring finery outside my huge windows (and occasionally some fishermen). Once I get some deck furniture, I will be entertaining regularly!

Annual Festival

I must post as I do every year about my tax day celebration. I was so exhausted by 7pm when I set out for the big post office, but luckily, i had to go to Trader Joe's to get mayo for the cafe anyway. I was excited to remember once I got there that there is also a delicious mexican place and an equally pleasing ice cream joint in the same neighborhood.
At the Trader Joe's check-out, the woman said to my basket full of mayo "Mayonnaise emergency?" I explained that I was a cook for a small outfit and that it would be going into our curried tuna salad. She stuck her face into the bag and whispered to the mayo "Don't worry, you're going to a really good home!"
The line at the p.o. was relatively short, almost not long enough for me to scarf down my tacos, and I was soon auto-piloting home, where I was very soon in bed.