Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Not that bad

The event so complained about over several days actually went off without a hitch and with lots of willing help! We even got a write up in the local paper; unfortunately the girl who wrote it didn't seem to understand what she was there to cover and there was no mention of the tasty food, our hours, or even that we are open to the public! Once my body sensed the event was winding down, it gave the all-clear to a nasty cold that had been in a holding pattern during the previous week. Sniff, sniff!
Between a weekend in the kitchen and sitting in the dirt around the fire at Madeleine's going-away party, I found myself in desperate need of the laundromat this afternoon. They are building a new drugstore next door (because, with one on every other corner, we were in need of more options?) and there was some traffic re-routing around the 'mat. I asked the guy in the hard hat if I was allowed to turn in across the closed lane and affirmed warmly. On my way out I thought I'd have to turn left and find a back route to were I wanted to go, but he saw me coming out, came over to my car and told me I could turn right but to watch the sign holder who would give me a signal. All pretty mundane stuff but I felt really taken care of. And the guy in the hard hat was very pleasant to look at!

Friday, October 17, 2008


I recognize that I take a little longer than the average person to assimilate a change in plans. Part of my assimilation process includes complaining to a number of people about how terrible this change is and who I think is responsible. Not exactly enlightened behavior, but we need to have some faults, right?
Sunday is the Gala Opening for the cafe; a concert by a Venezuelan group followed by a reception which, until this morning, I thought was for about 35 donors and supporters of the renovation project. But no. Add the entire village and all the people who are apparently saving their rsvp for the last minute and I am told I should plan on about 150. Elegant, dainty hors d'oeuvres are really fun to make for a few, but for hordes they are a pain in the ass. Additionally, everybody seems to be very busy themselves and getting help has been like pulling teeth, plus everybody and their brother came for lunch today, preferring to come as close to closing time as they could manage, eating me out of soup, salad and hummus and generally magnifying my cranky mood.
Luckily some zen little part of me knows that it will all go swimmingly, everybody will be impressed with the reception and say lovely things about me and the food and I will probably, in the end, have a good time. Maybe some day I will be able to skip the middle step where I feel undervalued and mistreated and go completely with the flow!