Monday, March 19, 2012

Familiar Landing Pattern

So I am once again settling into a new community, which brings out the neurotic in me. There is such anxiety in unfamiliarity, and yet I bring it upon myself again and again.
I have noticed that my blogging is at its best during a perfect storm of easy internet access and new social situations in which I have not yet warmed up enough to converse easily with real people. I know some of you really like to have a window into my adventures and for a time I will try to keep you up to date, but know that when the posts get fewer and farther between it means I am just too engaged in life to write about it.
Its a bittersweet phenomenon for me. I really like to write and am gratified to know that the word pictures I paint are being enjoyed. I play with the idea of someday writing a book, but my best work seems to happen when I am not all that happy.
Anyway, I haven't much to relate of the current adventure yet. I am just puttering around my nest til it feels right, figuring out where the post office is and reminding myself to breathe. Tomorrow I start work and can stop running stories about what it will be like through my head and just shovel some compost!