Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Verdict Means Its Over

My mother says sometimes, quite brilliantly, that if things haven't worked out, its not over yet. As a child life is nothing but possibilities, then we go through a stage, some of us longer than others, where we are in search of a destination: a career, a family, a home. Then after climbing the mountain, so sure our prize is at the top, we come unsuspectingly on the magnificent view that is life. Perhaps our prize is there on that mountain top, perhaps its on the next peak or even one that is out of sight, but the view remains to be explored, more peaks and valleys and forests of confusion to be seen close up and understood better. Perhaps we choose to pull up a chair and stay on that mountaintop enjoying the surroundings from afar. I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with that, but I have discovered that while a small part of me wants to sit down, take off my boots and have a drink, the greater part of me longs to better know the landscape of my life. Accepting that part of myself, I will continue to explore, even if one day I find a reason to make one place my base camp.
So I am off on another adventure and will be blogging to keep all my dear ones abrest of my discoveries. I will be taking a week to drive to Berkeley, where I will participate in the first-ever session of the Cooking and Culinary Traditions Program at Three Stone Hearth.
I have abandoned my other short-lived blog, which I started because I wanted so badly for life to have reached a verdict, but I guess this title I chose all those years ago was more perfect than I realized.