Saturday, June 10, 2006

Messages from the Universe or Even Steven

Yesterday was my last day of school, possibly ever. It was a beautiful day, filled with hugs and presents. It lacked nothing, but I kept having this panicked feeling that this was my last chance; to do what, I don't know. After school I went for mani/pedis with Nicole, Ilene, Bella, Sage and Leah. We were all out of cash, so we went to Wawa...where I realized I'd left my wallet at home. This began an unsettling, something's missing feeling that persisted until just moments ago and will doubtless resurface. Ilene spotted me nail money, but we were going out to dinner later and then I was driving out to green pastures, and, oh god, I had no gas in the car, whose check engine light had been on for a week! You see how it was. So while pampering and Mexican food were lovely, the day was permeated with panic from Wawa on.
After a good night's sleep I was sure all would be well. I had a leisurely, late morning, sat down to pay a few bills before walking across town to meet Lise and Diego for a matinee of Godspell. AGH! When I opened my credit card bill, I saw that the minimum payment had doubled since last month! I gotta lose Bank of America people, they are suckin' me dry! Whatever, I wrote the check and dropped it in the mailbox on the way to the theater. Lise had gotten the tickets through her friend in the show and I stopped at the handy Wawa to get money to pay her back. WTF? The ATM could not "process" my card. It's like the universe was testing my resolve. "Do you really have what it takes to drive across the country by yourself and start a new life on absolutely nothing? Are you sure you wouldn't rather move into your parents' basement and get an office job?" When I found Lise in front of the theater, I was flustered and peevish. She said don't sweat the $10 ticket and we went in to the show.
They had totally redone it! The songs had new arrangements and there were a few subtle political statements, but underneath it was the same old biblical wisdom. At the line "Don't worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself", Lise looked over at me and I remembered that that was true. We walked back through town afterwards in the bright sun and strong breeze, and said goodbye at their parking lot. They go to Italy on Tuesday and by the time they get home, I'll be gone. We've known each other since we were 4 and we've weathered bigger separations, but this just brings my eventual departure one step closer to home.
When I arrived home I had a pile of mail! By the outsides of the envelopes I knew, money coming, money going, more ways to manage the money you owe. Given my recent money karma, I gritted my teeth as I opened each envelope. A check, not bad! Dentist bill, $17 after insurance! PECO, it doesn't take much to power a shoebox! Last but not least, the IRS. This can't be money because when I filed I had owed them. But, low and behold, it was a letter saying that, after correcting an error on my form, they owed me $480! Now let's hope that covers whatever made the check engine light come on in the car!


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