Thursday, May 25, 2006

Boot Camp

I am taking a 6 week writing course through Temple and my first class was tonight. I've already gathered some good tips and heard some good stuff from other students but... Dude! We're supposed to do timed writing exercises, beginning with 10 minutes or so and adding 10 minutes a day until we reach an hour! One hour per day by next week! I realize this is absolutely dumb coming from someone considering writing as at least a partial vocation, but I still have to write year end reports from my old vocation and line up some stepping stones for other parts of my new one. So either my posts are going to become earth-shatteringly stupendous or they'll look like this:
May 26th -
Woke up, ate eggs, wrote, ate a sandwich, called a farm in California to ask if I could help them pull turnips and sleep in their barn, wrote, drank a meal through a straw while writing, fell asleep on my computer.
Wait, my phone is ringing...
It's reality. It says when people do things for a living, it takes up the majority of their time.
Thanks! Good to know!


Blogger Jamie said...

I would love a blow by blow blog, ingredients for each meal, traffic and weather conditions, comings and goings of neighbors, building progress including music choices next door, where you choose to write and the people-watching you find there etc.

10:40 AM  

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