Thursday, May 04, 2006

Pajama Stories

When I was a kindergarten teacher, I found that a good way to keep 15 small children from all talking at once at the table was to tell stories, so I talked about whatever was happening in my life that was fit to be repeated at the kindergarten lunch table, and they listened! One day I told them how I had been doing laundry the previous night,in my pajamas, for want of something else clean to wear. Whilst going up and down the stairs of my apartment building I thought I might as well go out to the car and drive the 25 lb. bag of millet and enormous can of olive oil that were in the trunk, down the road 5 minutes to the school where these ingredients were looking forward to becoming their snack. Well you can imagine that the idea of their teacher at school at night in her pajamas was pretty entertaining. Thus was born an entire genre. I'd tell of funny things I'd done in my pajamas as a child. I'd even go out of my way to do more funny things in my pajamas, just to have a new story to tell them! Those children are in grade school and they still love the stories.
The other night I came up with a doozy! My friend Shay is staying with me while she's homeless (it's an epidemic amongst people I know). We planned to go to my sister's after dinner to watch Alias. There are 3 episodes left before the series finale! We thought Vaughn was dead but he's alive! Very exciting! In addition, we were breaking open the root beer syrup Shay bought last summer and making floats. It had been a long day and already we were sleepy, so we decided to put on our pajamas before we went and thus be totally comfy while watching TV and ready for bed when we came home! So on went the striped bottoms and t-shirts and we set of down the city street in broad our pajamas. One might think this would make you feel foolish, but it's really very fun! Like when I was tiny and my mom took me to the grocery store in my pajamas! You should try it!


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