Monday, May 01, 2006

Beware the Dairy Case!

A few weeks ago I had a deep-seated urge to devour large quantities of chocolate chip cookie dough. At my normal grocery stops, all that could be found was snickerdoodle dough - blech! So I filled my void with other things (pudding? sugar cereal?) and moved past the ordeal.
Today I was at Trader Joe's with my sister which is always fun! There in the dairy case was the elusive gold! But since I'd gotten past the initial craving, I figured I must not need it, so I left the store with bags of brown rice and frozen vegetables.
Need is not the name of this game, folks! And cookie dough, once encountered, is not quickly forgotten! Later, on my way home from a delicious dinner at my friend Tina's, I was planning what to make for lunch tomorrow (what better time is there to think about food than when your belly is full of it?) and realized that I wouldn't get far without onions. I was passing Whole Foods anyway and stopped in for some. Now, it is rare for me to leave WF without a treat, but so divine was my meal at Tina's that I felt sure I would make it through unscathed. But when the same cookie dough I had resisted earlier loomed in my field of vision (OK, I didn't NEED to pass the dairy case!), I caved. Sometimes when you want something, there's no way around the want but to satisfy it!


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