Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sock Hop

Few task are as satisfying as sorting through a pile of unmatched socks. When the pile is as large and varied as the one I sorted for my friend Shay today, the rewards are duely magnified.
Do you have a sock drawer? Maybe two small drawers at the top of your dresser? Not so Shay! She has a three drawer storage unit full of such specimens as socks dating back to 10th grade (over 10 years ago), and a dizzying aray of pink and white sport sock, virtually no two of which share the same maker! Hers are not the brown. black, and navy of so many collections. She has stripes, spots, and prints of all sorts!
I'd say that today we threw away 1/3 of her collection; socks in mourning for their partner, socks worn threadbare and hole-y with love. She still has more interesting socks than anyone I know, but she is no longer burdened by carrying around those who have ceased to serve her.
The reason for the big sock purge is that Shay is moving. She has lived in the house she is leaving for the last 5 years, three of which I shared with her as housemate. Starting May 1st, the landlord will be doing major renovations and looking for tenants from a different income bracket. This was a dear house, the scene of many memories and it is strange to see it slip into unknown hands. But it was time for me to move on last summer and now it is time for Shay.
Adieu to the Bowman! Bienvenue to new digs and new adventures!


Blogger Marisa said...

It's so weird to think of the Bowman without any of your guys living in it. Very sad! (but of course necessary and all that).

8:48 AM  

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