Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I am coming into a season of lasts as I get ready to leave Philadelphia. Tonight was the last concert I will put on with my current students. I have been moaning and groaning about all the logistics involved in planning such an event, all of which obscure it's true goal: to look back on the mountain you have climbed, enjoy the view and know that you are richer for your efforts.
This view was spectacular! My company on the climb was without equal! The hike was only difficult when I forgot keep the goal joyfully alive for the troops.
I don't think I will miss teaching. At least not for a while. I will miss greatly the children that I have taught for the past five years. They are some extraordinary people; look out world! They are also dear friends. That's why I can't teach them anymore. You can't instruct your kindred spirits in a classroom. The things we learn from eachother are the kind of things discovered over tea, on a long walk, in the course of good conversation. There are some wonderful parents and teachers in this community too, but the ones who carry my heart are the students.
I will miss you, but just as I am excited to see what my own adventures will bring, I am excited to watch you continue to become the great people that you are. Maybe some of you will visit me. Maybe someday you'll choose a college near me and I'll have you over for a home-cooked meal when family is feeling far away. Maybe you'll dance at my wedding and some far off day I'll dance at yours. Maybe you'll babysit my kids. Even if the last picture I have of you is this very Philadelphia spring and I never get an update, I consider myself so lucky to have crossed your path.


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