Friday, November 02, 2007

First Friday Phoenixville

This evening I went to man a table at First Friday Phoenixville. The purpose of the table was to drum up interest in the upcoming dance party and silent auction fundraiser for an organization I belong to. I had done precious little to help up to this point so I thought it was time to pitch in.
The table was set up right next to Parents of Phoenixville's Budding Athletes (not their real name) and the buds themselves were supposed to be selling raffle tickets, but were mainly wrestling and swearing at eachother.
The band playing accross the street had something of a carny theme: there was fire juggling and booger jokes and a flute player - I just don't know!
Most people read the sign that I stood beside, one woman looked like she might take a flyer, another actually did take one, but other than that - zip!
As I stood there up walks the man we will call Mr. Handsome, as my Aunt so aptly named him after his first appearance in this blog (remember the blushing incident?). He was on the phone, but made a face at me as though to say "I'm down with the Time Bank" and I made a face back like "I'm down with having your babies" When he got off the phone we talked a little about the event that he was out promoting and how he hadn't paid his dues yet this year. Then he asked my name and I said Erin and he asked what my last name was and oh was I Cara Graver's sister? Um, no. I'm her daughter. But she looks young. He apologized and I asked his name and there we were. The blushing incident never happened. Now he's the one who can be embarrassed at calling me old. And next time I see him (Oh there WILL be a next time) I will calmly remind him that I know him and eventually he will remember who I am and that I am not old enough to be his mother and we will be off to a great start!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Auntie loves progress!


8:43 AM  

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