Thursday, October 25, 2007

Grey Day Musings

Note to readers who tried to visit links: I entered Jason's link incorrectly at first (fixed now). While I'm sending you surfing, my friend Carl asked to be linked and he is now on the list (at right).
If you want a first hand account of a SoCal fire evacuee, pay my friend Jason a visit at
  • his new blog

  • My mattress is oh-so-comfy while you're on it, but I've been waking up with the feeling that a few of my vertebrae have gotten stuck together in the night and find myself doing all sorts of yogic contortions before I pull myself upright to greet the day.
    I have been musing about romance and recognition of late and would welcome commentary from anyone who knows more than me, which is quite possibly everyone. I already know that relationships are work, but is getting together a struggle too? Most of my closest friendships are with people who seemed like family pretty much from the get go; am I stupid to expect the same from a quality romantic connection? How many of you had lukewarm feelings toward your mate when you first met and how many of you saw each other and knew: here is someone important to my life?


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