Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Its What Citizens Do

When you move from one state to another, it is expected that your register yourself and certain significant belongings with the local authorities. While I appreciate societal order, I tend not to think about how it is kept and therefore comply with such regulations only under duress.
Today I spent the whole day getting good with Uncle Sam (I guess that's really the fed, so what's the state government? Uncle Bill?). I arrived at the Drivers License Center in Frazer around 10am, which was reported to be a slow time on their website, and took a number. 2 1/2 hours and a few new friends later, I went to the counter knowing full well I did not have all the documentation required for a home run, but just wanting to see if I could squeeze through a loop hole. Well, I couldn't, but going the full distance was less complicated than I thought. I thought I would have to go to the Social Security Office to get a replacement card for the one I lost 7 years ago when an old wallet accidentally went to Goodwill, wait 2 weeks to get it in the mail, go back to the DMV, possibly forgetting some other piece of vital information on the second attempt. Meanwhile I would have to go to the library to change my voter registration in order to be on time to participate in this fall's election (apparently there is some important local stuff going on around here).
But here's how it really played out. The woman said "Go to the Social Security office in West Chester, ask for the 2 page print out, not the 1, 'cause we can't help you with that, and come back here and be sure to have a check or money order for $26. And take a number on the way out and we'll probably be close to it by the time you get back". So I did. I sped through the SSA, got a money order at the ShopRite next door (most depressing grocery store EVER) as I had forgotten my check book, grabbed an americano and a sandwich and STILL had to wait about an hour when I returned to Frazer. And though it was as if an entire day of my life had been stolen, better that that several halves of several days combined with the weight of dread hanging constantly over my head.
So I am liscenced, registered to vote and newly carded by the ssa. Now I have only to get my car inspected and put my PA plates back on and I will be whistlin' dixie (was that a mixed metaphor?).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you!

And sorry there was so much waiting stuff, and glad it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

And, it IS important election stuff--every time, every place.

Thank you, S

9:23 AM  

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