Monday, October 22, 2007

Lone Wolf

Just when I think I've done everything impressive, I go and buy a mattress by myself. Its one of those chores you'd swear would be easier with company, but after two failed attempts with helpers, I fueled myself with wonder-mocha and headed to IKEA at about 6:30 this evening in a borrowed pickup. I rolled around on mattresses for about 20 minutes, throwing aside pillows and mattress toppers willy nilly to do a thorough comparison. I must have looked like a mad woman, but I had a mission, and if I didn't have a mattress by the time IKEA closed, I was just going to sleep there!
Of course you can't leave IKEA without a couple of trashcans and a laundry hamper, so I sped through to collect them. I found all the help I needed to locate my mattress in self-serve, pay for it and load it into the truck. As I secured the mattress into the truck bed using my clothes line, I thought of my gay cowboy friend Dusty, who said when I told him about camping myself across the country, "and your not even a lesbian!" I felt this evening's mission was a victory not only for my formerly bedless self, but for single straight girls everywhere!


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