Saturday, November 03, 2007

Built in a Day

I asked my dad to help me built a frame for my mattress. He pretty much built it for me. It took him most of the day, including an early morning trip to buy the lumber. Tonight will be the first time in a month I have not been sleeping on the floor. I owe him one swanky steak dinner!
This evening there was a folk dance at the Waldorf school. My parents and I were alerted to this by our friend Kelly who teaches there. Late in the afternoon we all started to wonder what kind of gathering we were really crashing, since none of us has any official tie to the place at the moment. When we arrived we were indeed the only people there, besides a handful of villagers, who weren't parents or teachers. One man, whom I don't particularly like, came up to Dad and asked how we heard about the event, the subtext being "what the hell are you doing here?" We told him Kelly told us. About 10 minutes later he came back and asked if Dad had grandchildren at the school. He just really couldn't figure it out. He doesn't realize that the ownership he was feeling toward that place at that moment will never go away. You don't have to be paying tuition or receiving an education or a paycheck to feel that you have an open invitation to everything that goes on there. And why shouldn't you be able to stop by your alma mater for a pot luck and a Virginia Reel?


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