Wednesday, November 07, 2007

33 going on 93

I was having a dream that I was on vacation with Molly Brett and I think Justin Timberlake. We were in the airport on our way home (I think just me and Molly, I guess Justin was staying on) and I was getting a drink from the hot beverage machine. I was trying to use up spare pence (and yet we had been to warm, sandy beaches?) and it was taking FOR EVER because, as often happens in my dreams, I could not keep my eyes open. I needed just a few more p for the beverage, but couldn't see to find it and a line was growing behind me. So I summoned all my strength and forced my eyes open.
And that is how I woke up this morning.
Just minutes later, Jane (landlordette) called to say that Peter (landlord) was on his way over to get the plunger because Nina (next door neighbor) was having a plumbing emergency. The door was locked, however, so I had to go downstairs to hand of the instrument. And once I was up I thought I might as well make muffins. I did a little work in my workshop (including making a baby-doll that bears a striking resemblance to Kartman from South Park), then went to lunch at Helios House. I am making my rounds of all the households in Camphill so that I become a familiar face by the time the cafe opens.
I would have called this a full enough day, but then I had to go to work. Have I mentioned that I hate the afternoon shift? I hate it. The whole time I was there I was imagining being on my couch with a book and a cup of tea. Like I said...93.


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