Thursday, April 13, 2006

Signs of Spring

I met an ENORMOUS cockroach in my bathroom this evening, and, really hating the crunching sound when you squash them, I tried to lure him into the toilet. He didn't buy it, so I vacuumed him up and he is now living in the canister of the Dirt Devil. I was kinda hoping he'd suffocate, but I don't know much about cockroach they suffocate?
Today the Philadelphia sun was blazing hot! I guess it's the same sun the world over. Anyway it was hot. I feel greedy about good weather living here and I'm willing to bet I'm not alone. Last spring I remember taking a nap in the blissful breeze from the open window, when a friend called. He asked what I was up to and I answered truthfully that I was napping. "How can you be napping on such a beautiful day!" He was incredulous! The fact is there will be more, but we put up with such grayness, such bracing against the cold winds that rush down the corridors of the city streets, that a little part of us fears there may not. I have a friend who lived in Florida for a time and said on of the things she loved about it was that people were always happy. You weren't constantly getting the wrong end of someone's personal frustrations, because it was just too damn sunny!
Spring makes my insides spill over. Sometimes it feels like love, sometimes like enthusiasm. It's a little different this year. There is still spilling, but instead of desperately scrambling to mop it up, I am sitting back and watching the patterns it makes in the dust. It feels great. Sometimes the bench I am sitting on in this analogy feels uncomfortably vacant of understanding souls. In stronger hours I am all the understanding I have need of.


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