Thursday, April 06, 2006

New Additions to the Family

I had long been fantasizing about the day I had a computer with internet access in my home and how I would announce it to my readers and ever after post blogs of unfailing length, quality, and regularity, but now that the dream is a reality I'm a little leary of giving up my good excuse for not writing. Lawrence the laptop arrived a couple of weeks ago and yesterday I tracked down, for a tidy sum, an original airport card for the old geezer and here we are. My warmest appreciation to Jack at Springboard Media for his help in hooking us up! And please don't malign me if I skimp on the sharing in the future.
A little housekeeping note: one faithful and generously complimentary reader has expressed concern that she, and therefore quite possibly Jason Mraz, was not given the opportunity to register comments on this site. It is actually so obvious that it took me a good 20 minutes of experimenting to find that all you need to do is click on "comments" at the end of a post. It seemed like that was just how you view comments, but in fact it is both. So comment away!
The other new addition is not a traditionally welcome guest in a human home. Last night I heard the unmistakable scuffle of mously feet on the acoustical tile just above my head. I was immediately worried that he would descend in the night and chew off my hair for his nest. But we made it through the night without incident! I heard him again tonight and I just couldn't help but smile at his tiny noises. Mice, like piglets and baby clothes make me want to squeal at their cuteness! So I communicated to him telepathically that as long as he didn't steal my hair or poop in my kitchen he was welcome. I'm sure my collection of young bachelor neighbors can keep him from wanting for food.
I bid you sweet dreams on this sad note - Lawrence's "n" key fell off during the typing of this post. As you can read, it is a workable situation, but far from ideal, given our honeymoon status!


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