Tuesday, March 13, 2007


My mom said on the phone the other day that she had seen a woman whose children I used to babysit. "She's wonderful!" the woman said of me. It got me to thinking (some more!) about appreciation and the chasm between perception and self-perception. Now, I am not tooting my own horn (although what would be wrong with that), but plenty of people say that I am wonderful, yet I feel like nobody has a harder time connecting with other people (probably mainly because I am not anyone else). What do people mean when they say I am wonderful? At what point in knowing me do they feel this way?
Sometimes I feel pretty wonderful! I'm funny and resourceful. I have interesting hobbies and I make a mean tiramisu.
Sometimes I am greedy, jealous and impatient. I am horrible on the phone. I'm not a great correspondant. I expect a lot of people (especially myself). I wallow in self pity.
When I think of someone wonderful, I think of them surrounded by praise and recognition. Yet how many people do we think are wonderful, who go around wondering if they are?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're wonderful, and I've never had the tiramisu. You are loving and funny and talented and brave and adventurous and a nuturer (teacher) and you make nice friends and have a super relationship with your parents and your sister (and neice, aunts/uncles, etc., I'm sure) and you have a lovely smile on a beautiful face. And you share yourself via this blog and that's specially nice, too. Feel free to bring the tiramisu to the reunion. :-) SWS

2:19 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Count me in for knowing you are wonderful. I too, have not had the pleasure of your tiramisu (oh, I don't like tiramisu anyway). Caring, fun, introspective, intelligent, in addition to all that was written by your anonymous admirer. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your life through this blog. You are very special.

7:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had your wonderful strawberry shortcake but never your tiramisu.
Why not?!
You ARE wonderful. No question.


5:38 PM  

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