Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hey, haven't I been here before?

I find myself in a very familiar situation. It is just like my first months in France and my first weeks in England. Sleeping a lot, reading, living for phone calls with familiar voices, and yet the phone system is complicated. And, like those adventures past, I am giddy with delight one minute and wretchedly depressed the next. I'd like this to be the last time I do this to myself. I will learn this lesson if it kills me, which I doubt it will!
Anyway, today I am up. I saw a pair of hummingbirds in the trees above my deck/dining room and yesterday a pair of flickers. These are surely good omens! My nest is so nice that I would be content never to leave it if I had some conversation, live or otherwise to fill it with. I know my mom would love it, and my sister too for that matter. And any number of my friends. But again, I have chosen to go it alone. What is that about?
This is my new mantra: I can have whatever my heart desires and I don't have to wait for it! Say it with me!


Blogger sara said...

I'm saying it with you! You can have whatever my heart desires and you don't have to wait for it! I wish your Nest were closer; I'd love to sit and watch the birds and visit with you a bit. I keep wishing there were a way I could hug you and tell you how wonderful you are--please accept this virtual approach--or hurry back east so I can do it face to face, with love, Sara

11:27 AM  

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