Friday, September 01, 2006


I realize that it's been a little while since I wrote and I would love to have something interesting to share, but the fact is that I'm treading water here. More like treading cat litter. I keep stepping on little escaped grains that rode to freedom on the underside of a feline paw after it's owner had made a deposit. It makes me want to vomit. I vacuum some section of this small apartment pretty much every day.
On the first day of every month, since some time in childhood, my family tries to remember to say "rabbit rabbit" first thing when they wake up. Its supposed to give you good luck all month. Last month I believe the first word I said was "shit" because I thought my little tent was about to be pummeled by a thunderstorm. Last night I put out the little reminder sign by the bed. I awoke several times in the wee hours to neighborhood noises and every time I said "rabbit rabbit". I said it again when I finally rolled out of bed. I will have good luck! I feel lucky already because as of tomorrow, I will only have to feel like cat fluff is constantly floating up my nose for one more week. That's one more week of constant spot vacuuming, one week of fearing that I am catching dirty cat parasites, one week of smelling the odor of cat leavings mixed with new age incense.
I have learned something from this. I cannot promise someone to love their cat's in exchange for a roof over my head. It is a lie. I can respect that they are God's creatures, but I cannot love them, and so my career as a pet sitter comes to a glorious end. In a week.
My horoscope said that I would prove to be wildly resourceful in the coming weeks. While this does not sound comfortable, it will be necessary because as overjoyed as I am about my stay here drawing to a close, I have no idea what is coming next. This, for a person of phlegmatic tendencies, is a sizable challenge!
I leave you with a picture from my reconaissance mission down south that seems to describe perfectly how I feel about the future at this moment.


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