Thursday, August 17, 2006


I am sitting in a gallery/wine bar/cafe that adjoins a used book store in downtown Grass Valley. Inside it is cool and calm and old-timey jazz is floating in the air.
Late yesterday afternoon, descending from the highest point on the whole of route I-5, I crossed into California. I have found on this trip, that I have a feeling for a state the moment I enter it and it pretty much sticks, good or bad. I had a momentary panic that California would not live up to my expectations. But the sun was pleasantly bright and the mountains inviting and I was so glad to begin the real exploration. I planned to stop at the next state campground I saw, which didn't occur for another couple of hours. The air was cool but not chilly. I picked a site in Castle Crags S.P. and layed out my tent, feeling brave enough to risk the bears, mountain lions, and rattle snakes that the visitors center warned of. I was soon greeted by 5 inquisitive yellow jackets and I thought one had flown down the back of my dress, so I went to the nearby wash house to investigate. Not so. On my way back a little lizard ran across my path and I nearly screamed. Then I decided to roll up the tent and sleep in the car, knowing that as I lay in the tent, I would be sure that every noise I heard signified my doom. I lay squashed up across the two front seats and stared at the star-sequined sky. That wasn't really a sleep-able situation so I rearranged my cargo and reclined the drivers seat. I slept without incident and in the morning my German neighbors (yes, again!) offered me coffee, I think out of pity for my cramped quarters.
I spent the day enjoying new sights etc. I love that the trees here are a complete change from the familiar foliage that followed me across the whole country. I loved that I smelled fall leaves without it being sad or cold. I love horses grazing in groves and signs completely in Spanish. Tonight I visit a potential future living situation, 20 minutes outside of this quaint town, on a farm/homestead. Tomorrow I go to Sacramento for 3 weeks of housesitting and more exploring.
Until then!


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