Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's A Good Thing I Like My Coat

I got home not too long after 3 o'clock this afternoon, made myself a cup of hot chocolate (with mini marshmallows) and paid some bills online. Around 4:00 I went out to look at an apartment. I didn't have to put on a coat because...I had never taken it off. The entire apartment, by the way, is covered in a yellowing shag, even the kitchen, even the bathroom. This is because the elderly landlord downstairs doesn't do well with noise. The land lady, who seems very sweet offered to negotiate price with me. This puts the place in the running; that's just how open I am being to possibilities!
Anyway, I got home close to 5:00, made dinner, did some online reading, staying current you know. It is now 6:15. I am still wearing my coat. And it's no flimsy wool number; this is blizzard grade down from the heart of Wisconsin! I am keeping the heat way low out of sympathy to my current very sweet landlords who are picking up the oil tab for the remainder of my stay, and out of fear that if they find me to be extravagant they will savagely stick me with the bill anyway.


Blogger Unknown said...


Please know we have a warm sitting room with wifi avaliable in the "in-law suite"if you would like (It's always nice to see you) and you can come in and out without any real obligations any time you would like.


9:17 AM  

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