Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Midnight Snack

There is a little boy in my class who causes me considerable aggravation, but who regularly touches my heart with his well-shrouded but undeniable sweetness. He sometimes goes running from the classroom without permission. On one such occasion, I caught him in the hallway nibbling on the remains of his lunch. "I needed a midnight snack" he said to me with utter sincerity.
At the age of 32, I'm not saying it is impossible for me too change, but I have come to accept that if there is chocolate in my house, I will not rest until I have ingested it. Utterly worn out from child-herding, I slept for about 3 hours this afternoon. When I got home from choir this evening, I therefore had enough energy to cook up a chicken stir-fry for tomorrow's lunch, watch a little tv, read a bit, hatch an exhilerating scheme for my future (more to follow if anything pans out), and still at 1:46am I see no sign of sleep on the horizon. My defenses significantly weakened, I open the desk drawer where I know the remains of a bar of chocolate are waiting. I needed a midnight snack.


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