Saturday, May 05, 2007

Armed and Handy

Our toilet clogs a lot. This could have something to do with the q-tips and cotton balls that my roommates flush, but I'm just guessing.
Years ago I was squeamish and inexperienced in the arena of toilet plunging. Whenever possible I would leave the crime scene and pretend it had nothing to do with me. I can't remember the circumstance of my first successful plunge (I think my mom coached me) but I do remember feeling very powerful that I would never again have to skulk away from a clogged toilet and leave someone else to clean up my mess.
Which brings me back to this evening. One of my roommates was having a party, so I went late to the gym and caught an even later movie to avoid social torture. Ready to hit the sack, I returned to find the score was toilet 1, visitors 0. Sadly the entire bathroom floor had become a pond in the fight. I could have used the other bathroom and left it til morning, but chances are it would still be there waiting for me. Feeling extremely righteous at doing someone else's dirty work, I waded into the pond on rafts of paper towel and gave that toilet something to think about! Problem solved! I even did a cursory drying of the floor. I am such a grownup!


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