Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I was going to complain about how Suave is the latest hair care line to ignore redheads.
I was going to compare the evening sky to a baby shower invitation; perfect baby blue with stripes of petal pink cloud.
As I go about my daily grind I compose sentences, sometimes paragraphs, but when it comes down to it, I have no strength left for creation.
I've been wanting to get the orange tree in the back yard down on canvas. And finish the skirt I started making when I moved down here. But I end up running to Michaels for more school craft supplies, throwing together pizza dough for tomorrow's snack, emailing and phone calling about whose kid hit whom in school today, and collapsing in front of Sex and the City, wishing for just an ounce of glamour in my life.
I am where I wanted to be. I am grateful. Its just that I also thought that I'd be doing something I loved, or at least something I didn't have to think very hard about, but somehow I find myself shaking my fists at the sky and asking why I ended up with the very job I left behind.


Blogger Jamie said...

I keep wanting to call you about odds and ends but I too am zapped at the end of the day, I should make a list so at least I won't forget what I want to share. I go see Dr Condos today, I'll tell him you said hi.

5:44 AM  
Blogger sara said...

it may be that time of year. we're changing seasons here in the east and getting zapped by the coming of winter. your mother had a wonderful cob studio celebration but must also be zapped because the triumph is not reflected in her blog. and, all in all, it's good to be busy with work and friends and movies and baby's first breakfast cereal, so now we need to figure out how to get our priorities aligned with our need to blog or report or paint or reflect within ourselves. I'm glad you love the place--we miss you here.

11:05 AM  

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