Wednesday, October 25, 2006


When I was a kid, my Dad traveled a lot for work. When he came home, what we mostly heard about was the food he enjoyed on the road. Now, this was not fancy stuff! His territory included such highlights as upstate New York and rural Minnesota. When he traveled to New York in the winter, he sometimes brought us back a heavenly confection known as angel candy. Apparently they didn't make it in the summer. Humidity. It was a cube of hardened burnt-sugar sponge covered in chocolate. We shaved off the chocolate with our teeth and then chipped away at the insides, which lodged in our teeth for hours. The legendary Wegman's grocery store was the source of this miracle food.
A couple of years ago, the Wegman's chain oozed down into Pennsylvania and we found angel candy growing in our back yard, but it wasn't as fun.
Last week while perusing the bulk bins at Henry's Farmers Market, I found it again. They call it chocolate covered honeycomb candy, it comes not in cubes but in organic, multi-faceted solids, and the chocolate layer is four times thicker, but it still tastes like my Dad bringing the world home to us. Far away from anything familiar, it is again like nectar.


Blogger Jamie said...

Oh sweet angel candy! How I long to peel thy chocolate with my teeth and let the rest of you melt on the roof of my mouth...

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Jesus, Henry's seems like the place where a bird could fall in love. Can we go when I visit? Like, everday?

6:08 AM  

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