Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I am housesitting for a friend who lives in a tiny and cozy cottage. Another friend of mine lived here years ago; we called it the love shack. It is my charge to care for the dog and two cats that she left behind. The animals are all quite sweet, and those who know me well will gasp in disbelief to read that I actually enjoy the kitties curling up in bed with me at night. However, the nocturnal noises are something to behold. The dog is a pug and when she is not making her God-given snurfling sounds she is blissfully snoring at a record-breaking volume and the cats occasionally fell the need to converse and have not yet learned to whisper.
It is lovely here though, and takes me back to my days in The Nest in Grass Valley, though it is not nearly as remote.
I am so excited to move into the new Beehive! I signed the lease last weekend and have been looking on Craigslist for a cheap refrigerator (which I must provide) and dreaming up furniture arrangements and decorative strategies.


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