Saturday, January 20, 2007


Last Sunday I decided to finally do something I'd been having the urge to try since I arrived in southern California; I took a yoga class. I have looked down my nose at yoga in the past, but for some reason, here it feels right. Someone once told me that this area does not really belong to the North American land mass but is a long-lost piece of India; maybe that's why. Anyway, its free at my gym (O yeah, did I tell you I joined a gym?).
I entered the dark, warm room (a little late, of course) and unfurled my borrowed mat on the wooden floor. I could not understand a word the teacher was saying through his thick (I believe Australian) accent, so I just followed my neighbors. About 5 minutes in I was in love. There was soft, Indian music playing joined by the slow, intentional breathing of the class. The teacher came around a few times and helped me stretch into a pose; I love that! At the end the entire class chanted together in call and response. There is nothing I like more than a group of strangers singing together. When the class was over, I floated out of the gym in an ecstatic state.
In the morning I was conscious of every muscle in my body. I really wanted to go to another class that morning, so I tried out a downward dog on my bedroom floor and pronounced myself not too sore. This time I was there early. When the class began, the atmosphere was different, the music a little faster, the teacher's voice a little sharper. I felt hurried and in my effort to keep up with the rushing tide, I did something wrecked my back. The teacher never touched me, except a few angry prods in the arm during cool down (which I can only assume were medicinal).
Then I got a bad cold (which you read about), and between that and my back, I had to take a break.
Today I felt I was ready again. The first teacher was on the schedule for a class this afternoon, and I looked forward to it all day. When I arrived there was a substitute teacher and I was ready to be sad, but was instead delightfully surprised. She not only helped me stretch, but talked me through the pose and made me feel like I might have some special aptitude! Again I left in bliss.
I want to go to yoga every day! When I watch seasoned students and the control with which they move their bodies I am in awe and envy!


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