Friday, May 23, 2008

Getting Out

Many might say that at 34 years of age (in July), I should have internet service in my home. I'm sure they would also say I should have a washer and dryer (which I don't on account of something about septic systems and flood plains). Sometimes I think I should have these things too. But yesterday on a laundry and email mission to Phoenixville I realized that my life is structured perfectly! Living alone I can get a little cabin fever from time to time, but instead of eating bonbons in my pajamas and buying inspirational figurines for a bargain on ebay while my clothes whirl away in their suds, I put on a little lip gloss and head out into the world to interact with other people while I tend to life's less glamorous tasks.


Blogger Jamie said...

the best post in a while! You are the best!

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erin, where are you? I hope everything is okay. Perhaps your life is so full and fulfilling that you have no more time to blog. If so, that's great!

A Devoted Reader in Indiana

11:37 AM  

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