Sunday, May 18, 2008

Clarifications and Updates

Here ends the tale of Mr. Handsome (although if I ever write a novel, I will definitely work him into it somehow). My mother finally did some digging and found out that he is in a relationship, which we suspected anyway. This may also clear up any misunderstandings about the aforementioned fling; it was not with Mr. Handsome.
This rain, while fantastic for the plants (I have to keep reminding myself), is taking its toll on my spirits! It is hard to feel bouyant when everything is soggy. Nonetheless, I cleaned my house this morning. I really do that quite rarely, usually only when company is coming (sometimes not even then) and it is a nice treat to have a clean house just for me!
Gotta go back to the laundromat and put a load in the dryer!


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